I've been on a major hunt for PC-5300 DDR2 memory for my Macbook because it's starting to slow down with it's current 1gb (512 x 2) configuration. I was in the middle of an Ebay bid when I ran across this. Unfortunately for me, I won the bid for an OEM 2gb (1gb x 2) configuration which meant I couldn't pursue this deal. Damn you, Ebay!
OCZ 4GB ( 2 x 2GB ) SODIMM DDR2 667MHz Laptop Memory - OCZ2MV6674GK-4Gb capacity (2Gb x 2)
- SODIMM 677 Mhz PC-5400 Laptop Memory
-Works great on laptops and Intel Macs
Buy.com price $54.79 (after $30 mail in rebate), free shipping
Offer good till 6/2.
Macheads unite! The third major update for Leopard is here. It boasts 300+ fixes but I'm guessing none of them will be super major or even noticeable because the problems they fix shouldn't have been broken in the first place!Initial reports of this update are very promising but there are reports of come Macbooks being bricked because of this update! Say, what? Yes, that's right. This update may have a small side effect of bricking your beloved Mac. Bad, Apple, bad.
That is probably the reason why I haven't upgraded yet. I'm leaving soon and I've got a RAM upgrade on the way. I don't need to get bricked right now!
If you are one of the fearless, go ahead and do a system update and snag that update or you can download the standalone installer here. Let me know how it works people!
UPDATE: I say F-it and finally upgraded. So far everything works like it should. (Fingers Crossed)