Here's a little article I ran across that I thought I'd share. Amazon, for a while now, has had this neat little promotion where a shopper gets basic shipping ("super saver shipping") free if an order is $25 or over. Sometimes, you want to an item and to your dismay it only added up to $24.99. If you could add a penny, you could save from having to pay $5-$15 in shipping.
Now, there are three ways to fill that gap. Sites are cropping up to help Amazon shoppers get the best "fillers". Fillers are cheap, inexpensive items, which are relatively useful. Some have included stationary, empty recordable media and so forth.
1. Add the secret code
After you search on Amazon for what you want, add &emi=ATVPDKIKX0DER to the end to find an item that gets you Super Saver Shipping.
2. FillerItem
Put the amount you need to spend to reach SSS in the box and select the categories to search within.
3. FreebieVille
A list of fillers from $1-$5.
Who knows, the filler item could be way cooler than the item were you originally planning to buy on Amazon!
> Story courtesy of Consumerist <
Need items to fill your Amazon order to get super saver shipping?
5:50 PM
Posted by
Nico Atienza
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