I know this blog is really all about saving money, but c'mon now, there are just some really pretty things you need to blow a stack on to own. Check these out!
Gold-Plated MacBook Air (by Computer Choppers)
These folks are doing real big. They can bling out your iMac and iPhone even!
Wii-Remote Nunchuck Cuff Links ($150 @ Cufflinks.com)They've even got Playstation Controller cuff links for all the gamers who want to ball.
All Spark Cube 4 Port USB Hub (£17.99 preorder at Forbidden Planet)This right here is official move merchandise. I'm not too sure if I want one myself but it can be kind of cool.
Holy Moly! Here are some pictures of the world's largest Mentos-Coke explosion.
> Courtesy of The Telegraph UK <
Hey People! What's going on? I just finished my only final which means the Spring '08 semester is officially in the books! Yippee! It's going to be a long summer, but I'm looking forward to it.
Grand Theft Auto IV rocked the whole world last week. I'm not even kidding. I just went over to my buddy's house to play it and it was ridiculous. I was running around snapping pictures with my camera phone and shooting out tires. Running around assassinating people never looked this good. This game is truly one of the year's best. Here's your chance to snag it with a nice little reward. I thought I had a deal for it but apparently it expired. Damn you Circuit City.
Instead, what I have for you today is a nice little deal for a Wii Fit Preorder.
Wii Fit (Preorder) w/ Bonus $10 Online Gift CardWalmart Price $89.74, free in store pickup with $10 GC
Apparently, there are some Nintendo Wii Customer Choice Bundles in stock at Wal-Mart. I see the usual 'Quantities are Limited' spiel. Jesus Christ, these things are harder to spot than sasquatch. If you haven't snagged one yet, I suggest you do. Don't be tempted to buy it more than the $250 retail. Paying any more than retail is simply a ripoff. Just be patient and wait for the stores to stock up.