Here's a deal on a pair of decent Wii Games. "SEGA Superstars Tennis" and "Mario and Sonic at the Olympics" are both average sports games for the Wii. Good games are really at a premium on the Wii. One indication is the price. Really good games stay at $49.99 and the worse they are the selling price would also drop accordingly.
Don't get me wrong. There are some above average games that have certain fun elements or certain parts of the game that could be fun or appeal to certain types of people. Personally, when my roommate and I buy games for the Wii, we want the WHOLE game to be awesome. So, games that drop way below the retail price is usually not worth our time.
Anyways, here are two games that have received average reviews that might appeal to some of you.SEGA Superstars Tennis
CircuitCity Price $29.99, free shippingMario and Sonic at the Olympics
CircuitCity Price $29.99, free shipping
Sigh. The beautiful iPod. Where will college kids around the world be without one of these? iPods and the white wires that dangle from a listener's ears have been a cultural icon of the 21st century. Last year, Apple dazzled the world when it introduced the 6th generation of iPod, known as the iPod Classic. The first generation iPod was 5Gb. It's come a long way since then. The iPod classic maxes out at a whopping 160Gb!
I wanted to snag one of these but I recently got my 5.5G replaced and extended my 1 year warranty. So, it's another year for me before I upgrade to a Classic, or better yet, an iPod touch. Who knows how crazy cool they'll be in a year!
Newegg is one of my favorite online gadget shops. This deal is for a Black 160Gb iPod Classic for $309, plus $5.99 in shipping. It's a good deal because it retails for $349.99. This deal is good till April 30.
Apple iPod classic Black 160GB Model MB150LLA Newegg Price $309, $5.99 Shipping