I couldn't believe this when I saw it. There is something about big TVs that want me to sell all my worldly possessions just to buy one. Here's a perfect example.
Samsung LN-T4065F 40" 1080p LCD HDTV + Free Samsung Wall Mount ($799.99 value!)
Crutchfield.com price $1699.99, free shipping + Samsung Wall Mount.
Please, god. Let me win exactly $1699.99 in the lottery. No? Why, I swear I've been good. Oh, well. I hate all you HDTV whores anyways. So, there!
Whoa! Abilene Christian University is promising incoming freshmen this fall iPhones or iPod Touches! Wow. Apparently these shiny silver devices are going to be dished out as an educational tool. Please. Still, if I wasn't close to graduation, I would think about transferring there. Haha, probably not.
Maybe I should call U of Montana President Dennison and let him know what's up. Nah.
For the full scoop, check this article out on school's website.
Apple heads around the world can stop hyperventilating now because it's been more than 12 hours since Apple's announcement about the newest updates of it's MacBook and MacBook Pro lines.Both have been upgraded to Penryn processors which also increases battery life. Sweet.
MacBook Pro gets the MacBook Air's mutlitouch trackpad, MacBook doesn't. Booo. That's Lame. As a proud MacBook owner, I was very disappointed with that announcement. I read on Gizmodo that the multitouch chip only costs $2.95. Don't tell me Apple is going cheap on us. C'mon Steve J., the stock price hasn't hit the bottom of the barrel yet.
For the full skivvy on the laptop updates. Check this out.
The Apple Remote is an optional $19 accessory. Boo. Boo, again. That Apple Remote is sweet, why are you taking it away from us, Steve? Stock price biting you in the ass? The remote is sweet but I doubt anyone would pay $19 for it. Bad move, Steve, bad move.
Firmware updates for iPhone and iPod touch. I don't own one of these so I don't really care. If you do own one, buy me one, would you? Pweetty please?