Here's a sweet little deal from Newegg. There's selling a Maxtor 500Gb external USB HDD for $99.99 with free shipping. Personally, I think this is a sweet deal because it's under $100. Nothing beats the deal I got for my 500Gb which I bought for $87 on Black Friday, but that's Black Friday. It doesn't have a power switch, but it does have a 16MB cache and 7200 RPM. Reading through the reviews, it seems that it is highly compatible with both MAC and PC. A big plus in my book. Price $99.99, with free 3 Day Shipping
This is definitely a good way to check if you're a full blooded human and not just some bot!
Original Story
Oh, snap! Those sneaky bastards at the Apple Store has some screaming deals for people.
The biggest deal is probably $400 off the sticker price of the current generation 24" iMac *pictured* and up to $500 off last generation MacBook Pros! Holy Cow! Big slasher on the 17" MacBook Pros as well. Check it out!
- 24-inch Aluminum Mac for $1,899 (original price $2,299)
- 20-inch Aluminum Mac for $1,249 ($1,499)
- Previous generation iMac 17-inch for $849 ($1,199)
- Previous generation iMac 20-inch for $1,099 ($1,499)
- Previous generation iMac 24-inch for $1,399 ($1,999)
MacBook Pro 15 2.2GHz $1,499 ($1,999) - MacBook Pro 15 2.33GHz $1,499 ($1,649)
- MacBook Pro 15 2.4GHz $1,649 ($2,499)
- MacBook Pro 17 2.33GHz $1,899 ($2,799)
- MacBook Pro 17 (with 1,950 pixels high resolution display) 2.5GHz $2,349 ($3,049)
- MacBook Pro 17 2.6GHz $2,349 ($3,049)
(above courtesy of Gizmodo)
Labels: AppleLet's all take a memory dump. :)
What the hell is a $0.00 price savings? I want to program a virus on the bot that set this up on the deals page. ARGHHHHHHHH...
Just when you thought the newest member of the MacBook family, MacBook Air, wasn't pricey enough, a company decided to deck it out with 8,000 Swarovski Crystal. Bling Blaow?
I couldn't believe this when I saw it. There is something about big TVs that want me to sell all my worldly possessions just to buy one. Here's a perfect example.
Samsung LN-T4065F 40" 1080p LCD HDTV + Free Samsung Wall Mount ($799.99 value!) price $1699.99, free shipping + Samsung Wall Mount.
Please, god. Let me win exactly $1699.99 in the lottery. No? Why, I swear I've been good. Oh, well. I hate all you HDTV whores anyways. So, there!
Whoa! Abilene Christian University is promising incoming freshmen this fall iPhones or iPod Touches! Wow. Apparently these shiny silver devices are going to be dished out as an educational tool. Please. Still, if I wasn't close to graduation, I would think about transferring there. Haha, probably not.
Maybe I should call U of Montana President Dennison and let him know what's up. Nah.
For the full scoop, check this article out on school's website.
Apple heads around the world can stop hyperventilating now because it's been more than 12 hours since Apple's announcement about the newest updates of it's MacBook and MacBook Pro lines.Both have been upgraded to Penryn processors which also increases battery life. Sweet.
MacBook Pro gets the MacBook Air's mutlitouch trackpad, MacBook doesn't. Booo. That's Lame. As a proud MacBook owner, I was very disappointed with that announcement. I read on Gizmodo that the multitouch chip only costs $2.95. Don't tell me Apple is going cheap on us. C'mon Steve J., the stock price hasn't hit the bottom of the barrel yet.
For the full skivvy on the laptop updates. Check this out.
The Apple Remote is an optional $19 accessory. Boo. Boo, again. That Apple Remote is sweet, why are you taking it away from us, Steve? Stock price biting you in the ass? The remote is sweet but I doubt anyone would pay $19 for it. Bad move, Steve, bad move.
Firmware updates for iPhone and iPod touch. I don't own one of these so I don't really care. If you do own one, buy me one, would you? Pweetty please?
I shared a big laugh with my roommate Hisham about these videos. Oh man, this is what television is really about. I wish more couples could duke things out by f*cking a celebrity. Amen!
Sarah Silverman f*cks Matt Damon
Jimmy Kimmel f*cks Ben Affleck
With Barack and Hillary going at each other like middle school girls, one has to take a step back and appreciate the fact that there is a high chance that the next president will either be a woman or an African American. Maybe the winds of change are blowing across the United States. Till that happens, there's nothing like a good old parody to spur them on their campaign trail. Rihanna, you can probably giggle about this :)
Hillary Obama Umbrella Parody - Watch more free videos
Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) have been in the market for a while now offering users of the SD card format large storage capacity. Capacities of the SDHC cards run from 4Gb-32Gb. Yowzer! Now, that's a lot of data you can store on your favorite SDHC compliant devices. Still need more information about SDHC? Check this out.
If you're ready to get some more space and bump up to SDHC, first, make sure your device is compliant, then check this little deal out!
Kingston 4GB Secure Digital High-Capacity(SDHC) Flash Card Model Price $21.99, free 3 day shipping
I know this is labeled with the dreaded R-word ("Retail") but I think for that price it's a pretty sweet deal, considering I bought my 2Gb SD Extreme Card for $29.99 plus tax in Chicago. Heck, I would buy one myself if I really needed the space. Well, what do you know? My Canon SD800 is SDHC compliant. Sweeetttt!
Speaking of the devil. Just when I've told all you about my fantasy of possessing a portable HDD. Here's one I would get if I had the dough! Holy Moly! This is too good to pass up for those who can just about afford it, or need to starve for a week (I don't advise the latter) in order to purchase it.
Western Digital Passport 250GB External Portable Notebook Hard Drive (WHITE *pictured* or PINK)
Bestbuy price: $119.99, free in store pick up!
Oh man. This would go perfectly with my white MacBook. If money grew on trees. If only. Adios Amigos!
Especially if you're a college student majoring in anything, one necessary piece of hardware is a Flash Disk a.k.a. Jump Drives, Thumb Drives etc. If you've survived this long without one, may you go to heaven. For all the rest of us, we need space! I remember how glad I was when I got my first flash disk weighing in at a colossal 128mb! Ah, how naive I was. Today, we want bigger, badder, and faster. As for right now, I'm dual wielding a 4Gb Kingston and a 512mb Apacer flash disks. If I had my way, and most importantly some money, I would be sporting a 250GB self powered portable harddisk. Oooo, how my mouth watered when I typed that. Soon, I promise, I will get my mittens on a portable harddisk. Don't worry Flash Drives, Daddy still loves you.
Labels: Storage
I've been laughing at this video for months now. For all my folk who know what Bollywood is will enjoy this. Anyone else, I hope you like it too.
As many of you have already heard, the final nail in HD-DVD's coffin was when Toshiba backed the PS3. As with the VHS and Beta Max battle, one had to come out on top. Industry players flip flopped a bunch of times, but a winner had to come out eventually. Hooray for Sony. As for me, I'm still years away from HD. As soon as I can afford to buy a HDTV, and then sell my soul to buy a Blu-Ray device, then I will be up to High Def-fed. Till then, it's living like a poor college student with (gulp) analog, non-HDMI viewing for me.
!!Update!! Amazon is also throwing in 5 HD-DVDs with a rebate.